Get Submission Ready.

open book coffee

Pitch Package

Ready to pitch your book to agents? Then this pack is for you! Have confidence in your pitch and delivery to agents by investing in doing a comprehensive edit of all your pitch materials.

Query letter review (2 rounds of revision)
Synopsis review (2 rounds of revision)
First 10 pages “deep edit”



You can still benefit from my developmental editing guidance even if you don’t invest in a partial or full manuscript edit. I’m more than happy to comment on your submission package with the same level of detail, and here’s why: As an agent, nearly 100% of my decisions are made while reading the initial query and ten pages. I have no bandwidth to read to page 50 in the hopes that “it gets really good later.” Don’t sabotage all of your hard work with an ineffective sample. With this edit, you’ll learn how to make your novel opening as strong as possible. A query, short synopsis, and 10 pages of prose is the standard submission that most agents and editors request. For our purposes, this length of sample is also enough for me to get a sense of your writing strengths and challenges. I will read the first ten pages of your work and critique the writing, the scene work, the dialogue, the action, the pacing, the “promise of the novel” (this is very important, yet few writers ever think about it), the characters, and more. Your Submission Package Edit will include a line edit, actionable advice, feedback on your writing, and thoughts on what’s going through my mind as you begin your story. With my notes, you’ll have the confidence and know-how to make your work shine throughout.

The Submission Package Edit is for novels only.
