Felice Laverne

Publisher Partnerships


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 “Felice is a joy to work with, and such a warm, sharp, and indefatigable editor. We worked together closely on a book that we were publishing quickly into an election season, and Felice dove right in without batting an eye. She met every deadline, however tight, with grace. And, she helped us shape an exquisite manuscript. A gift to both authors and publishers.” 

/ maria goldVerg, senior editor, vintage & Anchor books, knopf doubleday publishing group /


In the deadline-driven world of publishing, a missed delivery date or incomplete manuscript can quickly ruin the day—or the publisher/author relationship. I’m here to ensure that doesn’t happen! 

As an editorial partner for your author, I am here to ensure that their manuscript is delivered to you on time and to your expectations as well as theirs. I’ve worked with editors across the gamut of Big 5 houses, as well as with agents at Writers House, CAA and Idea Architects, to craft the perfect manuscript or book proposal for both your needs and your authors’.

As their ghost editor, ghostwriter or proposal writer, I help your author mine the brilliant ideas blossoming inside of them and keep a sharp eye on each chapter as they progress, doing as many rounds of edits on it as necessary to meet your expectations. As they progress through their manuscript or book proposal, I’ll answer questions about what they should expect every step of the way, from editorial calls with their publishing team to how to complete their copy edit and proofreading passes. When days get hectic and deadlines get tight, an editorial liaison can make all the difference.


“I love working with Felice. Her incisive eye for editing brings out the best in both the books she works on and her clients. Authors count on Felice for a harmonic partnership and she always meets and exceeds their expectations.”

/ krishan trotman, vp and publisher of legacy lit (Hachette Book group) /


A Few Project's I've Worked On


In her sensitivity reviews of our projects, Felice not only offers insight and guidance when we've missed the mark or have the potential to do harm, she also invites us to show up with more awareness and responsibility. As a publisher focused on being of service in the world, she is an invaluable partner and guide for our team and our authors.

/  jaime schwalb, associate publisher - sounds true (macmillan) /