Sell your idea. Make it stand out.



If you’re writing a book proposal for a nonfiction project, I’m happy to advise you on your proposed book or write your proposal for you. Sample chapters and a query letter can be added to the standard package. Usually, memoirs and nonfiction are sold on proposal (though this can sometimes vary with debut writers). The proposal is your sales pitch that includes a pitch for your book, an overview of who your audience is, a marketing proposal, competitive title analysis, your biographical information and a chapter outline. My book proposal edit pricing is based on double-spaced pages included in your proposal. Please inquire for a custom quote for the proposal you need edited.

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Felice has been such a powerful and radiant light on my author journey. She sees into the heart and soul of your writing, and uplevels you so that you’re publisher-ready. As an Author Coach during the book proposal process, she helped me clarify, enhance, and transform both the shape of my memoir and my book proposal. When we started, I was intimidated by the whole process of publishing something so vulnerable after writing my manuscript. But in working with Felice I now feel empowered to get my story out there. Felice pulled in her expertise in publishing and editing to give me actionable insights and coach me with utmost compassion and professionalism along the way. I especially love that she is a literary agent herself, so she really knows what agents and publishers are looking for! Working with her was one of the best decisions of my life. An author’s journey can feel lonely at times, but when you’re working with Felice, you’ve got a guide walking right alongside you.
— Jenn M. Choi, Public Speaker, Designing Your Life Coach and Author of Enough At Last

Full Proposal Writing

Your book proposal is your sales pitch to agents and publishers. It’s the first written impression you can give of your idea and why it deserves to be out in the world for the masses to buy. It’s a research-intensive process that entails idea formation on how to present your book to the industry in a way that stands apart from every other book like it, followed by research to support your pitch and creative writing to make your words eye-catchingly striking to attract the notice of publishing professionals. I’ll tailor your book proposal needs to you and your specific project. When I write book proposals, I envision your entire brand—whether you’ve already started building it or not—so that you can sell your book in a way that offers larger brand possibilities. Here, my corporate background in Branding comes in handy. 😉 This service includes a consultation call to flesh out your full idea. During the call, I’ll walk you through the best way to present your nonfiction idea as a proposal based off the needs and goals you’ve expressed. Then, I’ll give you a set timeline during which I’ll write the proposal and present it to you for your notes and edits. This service includes 2 rounds of edits on all aspects of the proposal, including your sample chapter.

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Felice was lovely to work with. She provided excellent advice, especially from a commercial standpoint. She is an excellent writer and editor.
— Laura Kiernan, CEO & Founder High Touch Investor Relations