Brainstorming. Accountability. Growth in a personalized way.

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Felice is a true gem with a talent for bringing out the best in those who choose to work with her. I am forever grateful for her guidance, expertise and ability to cut out the fluff. Working with Felice as my Author Coach has been such an inspiring and empowering experience.
— Katie Brauer, Forbes “powerhouse yogi and rising leader", Transformational Living Guru and TEDx Speaker

30-Minute Brainstorming call

I’d love to be your writing coach! Whether you’re a first-time author just finding your way in this industry or a seasoned publishing veteran, I’ve worked with authors at all levels of their career - as an author coach, Big 5 ghostwriter, literary agent and repped author myself - to offer guidance, motivation and a truly innovative way of looking at your own writing from new angles you’ve never experienced before. Whether you’ve already started writing your book baby or you’re still brainstorming your ideas, I’m here to answer your questions and be your steady guiding hand so that you can focus on what you do best: writing your heart out.

You can send me up to 2,000 words of your writing samples, including first manuscript pages, query letters, synopses or the notes you’ve jotted down to get you started before we dive in, so that we spend as much time as possible focusing on your ideas and overcoming any obstacles in your way. If you’re working on multiple projects at once and can’t decide which one you should sink your teeth into, send me a combination of materials from up to three projects, so I can help steer you in the best direction for your writing goals. For this service, the editing of your pages is not included. All feedback is delivered during the call. /$150

60-Minute Brainstorming call

You’ll be surprised how deep we can go and how much you can learn in half an hour, but you can learn twice as much in an hour. An hour-long call, including feedback on up to 4,000 words from up to four different projects, is available for $295. You can add more material for a nominal charge per word. For this service, the editing of your pages is not included. All feedback is delivered during the call.

author coaching

Ongoing coaching and mentoring is your personalized platform for brainstorming the overall concept of your book or book proposal. I'll write a schedule for you to keep you on track as part of your coaching and mentoring, so that here you'll be able to establish measurable goals for completing portions of your writing. This accountability does wonders for all authors, no matter what stage of your career or writing you’re in. Ongoing coaching and mentoring also includes the sharing of useful feedback on ideas, while challenging you to develop into a stronger overall writer.

A four-pack of coaching tends to be a good option for writers who are mainly looking for accountability and support on a short-term project. This is for writers who find written feedback to be tremendously helpful - something you can always refer back to on your writing journey - with 4 30-minute Author Coaching Sessions added in for additional support.


  • Pre-coaching consultation via email

  • Four 30-minute sessions of coaching, two weeks apart

  • For each session: up to 5,000 words of advance reading, editing, and/or evaluation of your materials (prior to coaching)

  • Total cost $1250

  • Great for accountability and getting started on a project!

Long-term coaching is more like a mini MFA program. No, seriously! Every author who’s ever chosen this package has agreed. Here, we’ll focus on building solid skills in the craft of fiction or nonfiction while writing or revising your book-length project or book proposal. Whether you’re already repped and signed to a publishing house or still on your journey to get there, ongoing coaching and mentoring is fantastic for authors who are working on their first book project and need guidance, or for any author who works better with a set schedule, accountability, goalposts to meet, continued encouragement and written feedback!

Coaching sessions tend to be a wonderful blend of idea mining and development, intention setting, and mental/emotional therapy because, as your Author Coach, I’m here to guide you through all of the pitfalls and frustrations, the joys and the anxieties of being an author. You’ll leave each session feeling refreshed and enlightened.

Coaching is done by video chat Mondays-Thursdays. Each session includes:

  • Pre-coaching consultation via email

  • Half hour or one hour (depending on the package) of advance reading, editing, evaluation of materials and/or email exchange (prior to coaching)

  • One hour of private one-on-one coaching sessions


One session: $295/SESSION
10-session COACHING PACKAGE (with mini mfa-level coaching and support): $3250

ongoing retainer packages ARE also available upon request at a customized rate.

Listen, working with Felice Laverne as my Author Coach on my book proposal was an absolute saving grace for my dream of becoming an author. From those initial coaching conversations to the final book proposal submissions, she was there every step of the way, making this whole thing feel way more manageable than I ever thought it could be.
— Chianti Lomax, Author of EVOLVING WHILE BLACK (Sounds True, 2024)

Chianti Lomax’s full statement below:

As a first time author, the process, itself, felt extremely intimidating, but Felice coached me through my own limiting beliefs with a lot of patience and reassurance. She really helped me find my true voice as a writer and made sure that I never felt alone. Also, I feel like Felice always just knows what to do. It's like she's got this sixth sense for this literary game. Every single potential publisher I sent my book proposal package to was not just impressed – they were totally blown away.

So, if you're looking for someone to guide you through the overwhelming process of becoming a published author, I can't recommend Felice Laverne enough. It's not just about the end goal with her; it's about having a phenomenal co-pilot for the entire ride. Thanks for everything Felice. You’re a godsend!

Truth be told, I couldn’t have done it without the invaluable guidance I received from working with Felice Laverne as my Author Coach. She helped me win a publishing contract with Hay House through her guidance on writing my book proposal, then coached me through writing my first book! Simply stated...she is phenomenal!
— Tammah Watts, M.A., Author of KEEP LOOKING UP (Hay House, 2023)

Tammah Watts’ full statement below:

Within minutes upon meeting her, I knew that her expertise in the literary profession, coupled with her engaging warmth and honed skill for listening deeply, would prove essential in order for me to accomplish my writing endeavors, especially since I was a new writer and aspiring author. She created a working relationship that felt collaborative and supportive with constructive feedback.

I will share with you what I said to her upon learning that my book proposal had been selected to be published: “I know for sure that having you coach, support, encourage, brainstorm and edit my way through that arduous proposal is what helped make my vision a reality. And I am forever grateful for it.” I know our paths will intersect again. And indeed, I am looking forward to working with Felice again, and so should you.

Working with Felice was a blessing I never expected. I initially hired her as an Author Coach to help me organize and complete my book draft but got so much more. I am in awe of how quickly she helped me turn my book from an idea to a body of work that will soon be read by others. I am immensely grateful to have found a partnership and friendship in Felice and would absolutely recommend her to other aspiring authors.